Public contract: Nová budova FZS - Vybavení dílny - 2022/0096

Information on public contract

Subject items

No records to display.

Procurement documents

Qualifications documentation not provided (or is part of procurement documents).

Procurement documents are provided electronically with direct access.

Procurement documents - files download

Explanation, completion, changes of procurement documents

Other messages for the contract

Public documents


URL addresses

URL title URL address
URL of the public contract in E-ZAK

Contract performance

List of tenderers

Name CRN Country of headquarters/place of business/habitation Tender price
in CZK without VAT
Tender price
in CZK with VAT
B - CREDIT s.r.o. 60066091 Czech Republic n/a n/a No
PROFIL NÁBYTEK, a.s. 48202118 Czech Republic n/a n/a No

Selected contractor

Date of contract conclusion: 26.07.2022

Name CRN Country of headquarters/place of business/habitation Contractual price
in CZK without VAT
Contractual price
in CZK with VAT
B - CREDIT s.r.o. 60066091 Czech Republic 52 000,00 62 920,00

Value finally paid

State: Contract performance terminated 31.08.2022
Contract performance year Price in CZK without VAT Price in CZK with VAT
2022 52 000,00 62 920,00